
请注意: COVID-19 protocols will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. Please check this website frequently for the most up-to-date information. Updated: August 21, 2023.

LR is now operating in a COVID-19 management environment. We will continue to monitor for COVID-19, 审查联邦, 州和县公共卫生指南,并为您提供整个学年的更新和信息.

针对COVID-19的最佳保护措施是更新疫苗接种情况,并在室内与他人在一起时戴上口罩. 此外,劳氏强烈建议你在符合条件的情况下接种COVID-19增强疫苗和流感疫苗.

  • Vaccine Guidance for 学生

    COVID-19疫苗, including all booster shots, are strongly recommended for students, 教职员工, 但不是必需的. *See note below about specific program requirements

    Being up to date on COVID-19疫苗, including having all recommended booster shots, 确定隔离指南,并可降低严重疾病和住院的风险. 

    新的二价疫苗含有原始配方,并带有抗BA的配方.4和BA.5 variants, the most contagious versions of the virus. The CDC indicates the BA.5 variant accounts for 90 percent of cases in the US.

    The new vaccine booster is available locally at pharmacies, as well as at various health departments including 卡托巴语县 (山核桃), 废话县 (阿什维尔)和 里奇兰县 (哥伦比亚). 教师, 完成两次疫苗注射的员工和学生有资格在最后一次疫苗接种后60天内接受新的加强疫苗.

    If you have been infected by COVID, 疾病预防控制中心建议你等待90天再服用增强剂,以最大限度地提高你的免疫系统. 那些没有接种过COVID疫苗的人需要在接种新的增强疫苗之前进行初始注射.

    *Please note that students in the School of Nursing (RIBN, RN-BSN, BSN, MSN, DNP) are required to be vaccinated to meet the requirements of clinical sites. 

    *Please note that students in some programs, including community health, 运动科学, 公共卫生硕士, 饮食实习, 他们的诊所可能需要职业治疗来接种疫苗和加强. If the student is unable to attend experiential learning at a pre-arranged site, there may be a delay in completing the experience, which will delay progress to graduation. 此外,一些留学项目可能要求学生接种疫苗和增强免疫力.


  • Vaccine Guidance for 教师 & 工作人员

    正如5月26日宣布的那样, 2023, Lenoir-Rhyne no longer requires the COVID-19 vaccine for 教职员工. 这一决定是在仔细考虑了最新的公共卫生指南并咨询了全球网赌十大网站的医学专家后做出的.

    While LR no longer requires the vaccine, 全球网赌十大网站强烈鼓励全球网赌十大网站社区的所有成员接种疫苗并保持最新的增强剂. 该疫苗已被证明在预防严重疾病和住院方面是安全有效的, and it is an important tool in ending the pandemic. 


    新的二价疫苗含有原始配方,并带有抗BA的配方.4和BA.5 variants, the most contagious versions of the virus. The CDC indicates the BA.5 variant accounts for 90 percent of cases in the U.S.

    The new vaccine booster is available locally at pharmacies, as well as at various health departments including 卡托巴语县 (山核桃), 废话县 (阿什维尔)和 里奇兰县 (哥伦比亚). 教师, 完成两次疫苗注射的员工和学生有资格在最后一次疫苗接种后60天内接受新的加强疫苗.

    If you have been infected by COVID, 疾病预防控制中心建议你等待90天再服用增强剂,以最大限度地提高你的免疫系统. 那些没有接种过COVID疫苗的人需要在接种新的增强疫苗之前进行初始注射.

  • 面具可选

    Masks remain optional with the following exceptions:

    • 个人在室内接触COVID-19时,必须在规定的天数内佩戴口罩, 是有症状的, 或者测试呈阳性.
    • 个别教师可能会要求在课堂上戴口罩,作为其标准课堂管理的一部分,学生将遵守课堂要求.
    • 到访基石健康服务的人士在进入设施时可能须戴上口罩.

    While masks are not required except as noted above, anyone who feels more comfortable wearing a mask on campus is encouraged to do so, as it is the best method for prevention in addition to vaccines.

    学生, 教职员工应提供自己的口罩,以便在需要的情况下使用.

  • COVID-19测试

    Rapid tests are available on all three campuses, including at Cornerstone in Hickory.

    你所在地区的药店和杂货店也可以买到快速检测和聚合酶链反应检测. Also check with your county and state public health department for testing dates, 时间和地点.

    中心 for Disease Control and Prevention
    COVID-19测试 Locator

    North Carolina Department of 健康 and Human 服务
    Home COVID-19测试 Information

    全球网赌十大网站 (Catawba, Burke and Caldwell Counties)

    阿什维尔校区 (邦库姆县)

    哥伦比亚大学校园 (里奇兰县)

  • Reporting COVID-19 Positive Tests

    If you test positive for COVID-19, you must report that to the appropriate person.

  • 跟踪 & 警报


    这些信息将使全球网赌十大网站能够继续监测校园趋势并进行接触者追踪, 如果有必要的话.

    检测呈阳性的住宿学生必须返回家中进行必要的隔离. 全球网赌十大网站可能会为那些检测呈阳性的学生提供一些临时住房, but live further distances away from campus.

    全球网赌十大网站还将为接触病毒的住宿学生提供有限度的隔离室, but who are not up to date with their COVID-19疫苗. 美国疾病控制与预防中心将“最新”定义为拥有一个人符合条件的所有疫苗和增强剂. 例如, someone who is unvaccinated or fully vaccinated, 但如果没有接种疫苗,就必须隔离5天,如果接触到病毒,还必须接受检测.

    Thank you for your support and adherence to our policies. We are looking forward to a successful fall semester.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAQ - COVID-19 Protocols

    全球网赌十大网站咨询当地的, regional and state public health officials, including the 卡托巴语县 健康 Department and the N.C. State Department for 健康 and Human 服务, and reviewed the updated 中心 for Disease Control guidelines. They all support a switch from required to strongly recommend the vaccine. 美国围绕新冠肺炎的全国公共卫生紧急状态也于5月11日正式结束, 2023. 

    What if the COVID landscape changes significantly? Will you require the vaccine, testing or masks?

    全球网赌十大网站将继续在校园内和全国范围内监测COVID-19,以确定是否需要做出改变. As we have since the beginning of the pandemic, we will make data-based decisions using feedback from local, 州和地区公共卫生部门以及疾病控制中心的指导方针.

    What happens if I test positive for COVID-19?

    Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, must adhere to the following:

    • Isolate at home for a minimum of 5 days and wear your mask if around anyone at home.
    • You may end your isolation after 5 days if you have no symptoms, or your symptoms have resolved and you are without fever.
    • 在室内和室外与他人接触时继续佩戴口罩5天.
    • Your health care provider must approve your return to classes and activities. 如果Cornerstone 健康在校园或通过远程医疗看到你,你也可能被批准返回. A written release must be provided to: 
      学生 on all three campuses: Harry Titus at 哈利.titus@angiecrafting.net
      教师: Judy Lineberger at 朱迪.lineberger@angiecrafting.net
      工作人员:reonda Reed revonda.reed@angiecrafting.net

    检测呈阳性的住宿学生将被要求返回家中进行隔离. 全球网赌十大网站可能会为那些检测呈阳性的学生提供一些临时住房, but live further distances away from campus. 全球网赌十大网站还将为接触病毒的住宿学生提供有限度的隔离室, but who are not up to date with their COVID-19疫苗. 

    What happens if I have been exposed to COVID-19?

    任何与COVID-19检测呈阳性的人接触过的人都必须遵守以下规定, depending on your vaccine status:

    • 如果完全加强或完全接种疫苗,但尚未符合接种加强疫苗的资格,则无需隔离. You simply wear a mask for 10 days and rapid test on day 5. 如果出现症状,请进行COVID-19检测,并留在家中直到知道结果.
    • If unvaccinated or not fully “up to date,“你必须在家隔离5天,并再戴5天口罩. 如果在第5天检测结果为阴性,您可以退出隔离,并且继续没有症状. If you test positive, then you follow the isolation protocols above.
    • 然而, 如果一个人每天与家庭成员/室友住在同一个住所(不仅仅是短暂的相遇),并且有一个或多个感染了COVID-19, we need to take additional precautions. 在这种情况下接触的人应该戴上口罩,每天检测5天. 他们应该与他们的主管合作,根据他们的具体情况确定任何额外的步骤.


    Do I need to tell anyone if I test positive or have been exposed to COVID?

    是的. 为了帮助全球网赌十大网站监控校园内的COVID,请报告阳性检测或暴露于以下情况:

    What if I am arriving to campus from overseas or other mass transit travel?

    给n the reduced restriction on mass transit travel from the CDC, students using mass transit will follow the same protocols for return to campus.

    强烈建议您在乘坐公共交通工具时佩戴适当的口罩, even though not always required.